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Week 5 Milford Maintaince Can Not Be Postponed Any Longer

Week 5 Milford Maintaince Can Not Be Postponed Any Longer

Q You know that after the past two weeks of driving concerns about prison leadership, privatization, intense communications on very tough issues you are taking over a prison with a growing record of less than adequate maintenance. The Central Office Budget staff of the Secretary of Public safety and Correctional Services note that with all the mandatory overtime due to vacant security positions (turnover) something must give so maintenance, especially proactive and preventive maintenance is being reduced. There is a common complaint among Correctional Officers on the cellblocks that toilets are failing, basic sinks are in need of replacement and larger heating and cooling systems appear to be failing. One pain in the neck but well supported state legislator stood up in the House of Representatives and demanded to know why prisoners received air conditioning when his parents in the rural part of the state did not have air conditioning and had never had it so why not cancel it state wide in every adult prison - if the prisoners want air conditioning they should join a country club as opposed to violating the law. The discussion is starting to grow bellicose and beyond basic facts and operational considerations as it moves into stories and political commentary. Again the world of adult corrections is losing contact with the realities of data driven public policy. After privatization you realize that real issues keep coming and that is often the work of a tough senior administrator who needs to train for the exception rather than smooth and stable operations. At your Monday afternoon department heads meeting your managers report that routine maintenance issues are not being addressed in a timely manner regardless of the political nonsense coming from the clean and cool office bound, chair laden budget staff in the state capital. Your veteran corrections team in the trenches at Milford understands the stress of the privatization and communications issues over the last two weeks . They support you completely. They report across the board that it now regularly takes more than a week to deal with repairs that previously could be resolved and be repaired in minutes e.g. leaky faucets, broken light fixtures when replacement parts were in the warehouse after orders were filled based on hard data needs from the previous year. Your 10 full time maintenance officers (all board certified and union journeymen in their trades report they can do the work but replacement basic parts are no longer being kept as funds were removed to cover mandatory overtime costs. Warden you have an issue that cross cuts position vacancies, the need for mandatory overtime of several million to cover vacant posts that every Warden says is a higher priority than fixtures and toilets and lights and even building heating. Your staff appear to be drawing their thoughts from the morning newspaper in the state capital as opposed to the hard decisions that need to be made at Milford by a new Warden and a veteran but tired senior management team. Just like you read in high school history there are times that guns and butter must have equal priority unless the house is ready to fall or slip over. It is not a laughing matter. What will it be - safety and security through covering all security posts, every shift every day or sharing cell lights, cells with working toilets to hold 4 inmates instead of two and other unfamiliar solutions to basic issues of adult hygiene and living in any prison or other residential facility where those under supervision cannot sign out and move to a local motel until government decides how to engage the problem. Draft three objectives indicating how you will address routine maintenance issues in a more timely fashion while still keeping every security post filled, every shift every day. Explain i8n a paragraph regarding each planning element you selected.

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The first objective will be to ensure that there will be 3 different shift timings provided for the 10 full-time maintenance workers. There will be 3 workers instructed to work on urgent maintenance issues in the morning from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Thereafter, there will be 4 workers instructed to work on urgent maintenance issues from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Finally, the rest of the 3 workers will be instructed to work from 4 p.m. till 10 p.m. so that the urgent maintenance issues for the evening and night can be covered. The workers will be paid according to the hours of work within the duration of the shift timings.